Saturday 26 February 2011

Dissent into Hell

Dante, the crusades, the 9 levels of hell, not something I enjoy reading about or watching adaptations of. The concept of the Italian poems really is unnerving. It's ugly, but of course the thanatos in me always peaks my interest. Based on the vid game Dante's Inferno, EA did a series of animations (anime of course). Something about falling, lack of control, screams of terror w/dopler effect. But the sentiment "good intentions pave the roads to hell" and the long standing evils of Anglo-hegemonies is something that I can appreciate. Religosity adds a more relevant twist especially today, as Islam extremism, the Brotherhood, or whatever the BBC is calling it has replaced Christianity and the Propaganda wing of the Roman Catholic Sect as the dominant ideology hellbent on converting heathens through violence.

Segue to my illustrations of Redman. Been doing the frames for a whimsical scene where he falls after his crown. Pretty cool,decided to go with a black, white and red palette. This is a frame I'm currently working on.

Mat H. will be proud. The project's been through so much starting and stopping I thought I'd never get it off to a start.

I wanted this sequence to be intense and violent as his fall into darkness signifes his state of mind, fearless, desperate. He falls to catch his crown, symbolic of his desperate gripe for power and sovereignty of a luster-lack kingship.

It's coming on well. Also looking to get an anthology done that I have been sitting on for the past 4 years. Busy Busy.

Sum up,
Fall for me and I will teach you how to rise with me.

Superhero Showdown 2011: Thor vs. X-Men vs. Green Lantern vs. Captain America

Interesting read. Not sure I'm confident in Ryan Renolds to dawn the Green Lantern get up. Don't get me started on Captain America, he faught the Nazi, but according to Nazi doctrine, he would be the perfect man: white, blonde, blue eyes, lean and mean, and follows orders like a bitch. In any case, my money is on either X or Captain America. Followed closely by Thor (I'm going purely by the trailers I've watched months ago. But DC will always come out on top. They have messed up before but they have brought back their franchises back to the forefront. Xena for Wonder Woman! I digress:

Superhero Showdown 2011: Thor vs. X-Men vs. Green Lantern vs. Captain America

Sum up,
"In brightest day..." Superman has kryptonite. Batman, soul-shattering guilt and pain. How the hell can your weakness be the colour yellow!? But in a comic I read, an older, future Green lantern built, ruled and maintained an entire city with his mind without having to focus his power through the ring. Kudos.

Monday 21 February 2011

Goddamn Orful

Thought I'd share this with you, a nice little site I found via my Twitter networking. Orful Comics has a nice little piece of comic heaven, nicely drawn panels chronicling the everyday epicness of it's creator Rob Cureton. Read for a much needed chuckle everyday.

Support this talented dude and follow him on Twitter

Sum up,
Thinking of doing something in book form.  We'll start with my manifesto.

Saturday 19 February 2011

By Crom!

I grew up on stuff like this. But as a young dude I never took care of my comics. Coloured in them. got torn. Lost. Re-found with the first 5 pages missing. Lost again. But with the remainder of what I had when I got older I really appreciated the art and literature. Even young back then when you'd think I'd gravitate towards books with colour, the black and white draftsmanship did more for me than any other book could. So sometime ago, I went on ebay and got some of The Savage Sword of Conan catalogue and geeked out. Well worth the dineros. But I have to say, I didn't remember Conan being so racially charged. The sexism, yeah that's a given. Disdain for sorcery and witchery- sure.  I guess its why they took a page from MAD and published themselves as a magazine rather that publish under the thumb of the Comic Code of Conduct. Creative bigoted bastards.

But with all that said, I'm back on the theme of sword play and this time things are gonna get done on Redman. Not to say I didnt make progress on it the last time I was chipping away at it... about a third of it is pencilled out. Just working on the other 2/3,

Sum up,
1000 years of success. I wish. On you. Friends. By Crom.

Friday 18 February 2011

*Showreel 2011*

Nothing to get all psycho, or analytical or emotional about. Just wanted you all to see my showreel. All hope is truly lost.

Sum up.
Last entry was taken down. Apparently it was top secret ish. My bad! Didn't know I was getting all "Wikileaks" on ya.

Thursday 10 February 2011

Penny for your Thoughts. £120 + VAT a day for mine.

Just remembered did some throw away story art for an advert for PennyTalk pitch. Again, another rush to render, but I was as usual a good sport. Have a look:

Cool. Stereotype central.

Sum up,
Animatic for NASA is done. Meeting individuals to discuss a plan of attack tomorrow.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

An encounter of the 4th Kind

"You see it?! You see it?! Goddamn Indian food, playing havoc on my bad guts"

Aliens. It's where we get our technology from. That's a given. Whether you believe 'alien' to be foreigners or Extra-terrestial beings with lasers for eyes is up to you. Currently cutting a quick animatic for the next music vid im working on N.A.S.A. and it looks good so far. The UFO idea for the treatment came to me when the artiste gave me a simplebreak down of what the song meant to him- escapism, regression, trouble-free like that of child, before reality and such dashed our dreams to bits. Find couple boards attached. The vid will likely be a live action/ animation hybrid, so should be interesting to see how that turns out. Also looking to bring on a partner-in-crime to help out. Should be fruitful.


Sum up,
I'm thinking long range. Sniper range.

Sunday 6 February 2011

Story/Art work for the beginning of 2011

Uploading can be such an ugly process. The wait, the disconnections. This should have been done by Friday but today is Monday, and the bar is at 49%. Whoop-di-woo. But I am being constructive and putting a post up.
 HOY is done and rightfully so, its awesome edit.
Also, been storyboarding till my fingers are exposed bone. Finished boards for "Reunion" went over quite well and just finishing up the boards for Scru Love's NASA. All in the terror wrist. Disseminating my brand of propaganda to everyone.


Also did some Production Art for a pitch. Quite fitting seeing its Black History Month.

Sum up,

A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything. - X


The "Suit & Bone" Short Film Electronic Press Kit is years in the making

The Suit & Bone Short Film I directed has been making its rounds in film festivals since its campaign launch in December 2021m and I am...